Here's a scrambled image; see if you can put it right again..:
Source: Here's the source for the puzzle: proc puzzle {image} { set ind 0 set w [expr [image width $image]/4] set h [expr [image height $image]/4] foreach i {3 1 6 2 5 7 0 13 4 11 8 9 14 10 12} { [image create photo $i] copy $image \ -from [set x [expr $w*($i%4)]] \ [set y [expr $h*($i/4)]] \ [expr $x+$w] [expr $y+$h] button .$i -image $i -highlightthickness 0 \ -command "hit .$i" -bd 1 grid .$i -row [expr $ind/4] -column [expr $ind % 4] incr ind } } proc hit {win} { global empty array set info [grid info $win] if {abs($empty(x)-$info(-column)) + abs($empty(y)-$info(-row)) \ == 1} { grid $win -row $empty(y) -column $empty(x) array set empty "x $info(-column) y $info(-row)" } } set empty(y) 3; set empty(x) 3 set data {....} image create photo earth -data $data unset data puzzle earth
Here's the source for the puzzle:
proc puzzle {image} { set ind 0 set w [expr [image width $image]/4] set h [expr [image height $image]/4] foreach i {3 1 6 2 5 7 0 13 4 11 8 9 14 10 12} { [image create photo $i] copy $image \ -from [set x [expr $w*($i%4)]] \ [set y [expr $h*($i/4)]] \ [expr $x+$w] [expr $y+$h] button .$i -image $i -highlightthickness 0 \ -command "hit .$i" -bd 1 grid .$i -row [expr $ind/4] -column [expr $ind % 4] incr ind } } proc hit {win} { global empty array set info [grid info $win] if {abs($empty(x)-$info(-column)) + abs($empty(y)-$info(-row)) \ == 1} { grid $win -row $empty(y) -column $empty(x) array set empty "x $info(-column) y $info(-row)" } } set empty(y) 3; set empty(x) 3 set data {....} image create photo earth -data $data unset data puzzle earth