Source Here is the source (annotation coming soon): message .m -width 200 -textvariable msg pack .m -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 proc bgerror {msg} { set ::msg "Error: $msg" } if {[catch {policy javascript} errMsg]} { set msg "Sorry but your configuration does not allow\ this tclet to use the javascript security policy ($errMsg)." append msg "\nYou are using the tcl plugin $plugin(patchLevel)." } else { button .b -text "Click Me!" -command doit pack .b -pady 10 set msg "loading and image using getURL..." set count 0 after idle { set data [browser::getURL tcllogo1.jpg] set msg "done loading !\nready for user click !" } proc doit {} { global count msg set topname top$count incr count set msg "making a new undecorated window using javascript..."; update after 700 browser::javascript [subst \ {"","$topname","menubar=no,width=400,height=170")}]\ "display $topname" } proc display {topname args} { global data msg set msg "done... opening a new stream of time image/jpeg"; update after 700 set f [browser::openStream $topname image/jpeg] set msg "...writing the image data..."; update browser::writeToStream $f $data browser::closeStream $f set msg "all done !\nready for new click!" } } (Reminder: To see those demos you need Tcl/Tk Plugin Version 2.0.3 or later and Netscape Navigator/Communicator or Internet Explorer).
message .m -width 200 -textvariable msg pack .m -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 proc bgerror {msg} { set ::msg "Error: $msg" } if {[catch {policy javascript} errMsg]} { set msg "Sorry but your configuration does not allow\ this tclet to use the javascript security policy ($errMsg)." append msg "\nYou are using the tcl plugin $plugin(patchLevel)." } else { button .b -text "Click Me!" -command doit pack .b -pady 10 set msg "loading and image using getURL..." set count 0 after idle { set data [browser::getURL tcllogo1.jpg] set msg "done loading !\nready for user click !" } proc doit {} { global count msg set topname top$count incr count set msg "making a new undecorated window using javascript..."; update after 700 browser::javascript [subst \ {"","$topname","menubar=no,width=400,height=170")}]\ "display $topname" } proc display {topname args} { global data msg set msg "done... opening a new stream of time image/jpeg"; update after 700 set f [browser::openStream $topname image/jpeg] set msg "...writing the image data..."; update browser::writeToStream $f $data browser::closeStream $f set msg "all done !\nready for new click!" } }