A Bike Gear Ratio Calculator
This application computes the effect of different gear combinations.
One way to visualize this is to think of replacing your modern bicycle
with an old fashioned "ordinary" bike that has a large diameter front
wheel and the pedals connected right to the front axel. In those bikes,
the mechanical advantage comes from the wheel diameter. The larger
the wheel the more power, but the harder it is to pedal.
The graph displays the effective wheel diameter for each gear combination.
The horizontal lines correspond to the different gears up front (at
the pedals). The points on each line correspond to each gear in the
gear cluster at the back wheel. The values are the effective wheel
To use the application, just enter numbers and press the Recompute
button. Just pressing Return in a text entry causes the graph to update,
too. If you move the mouse over the graph, the specific values for
the point under the mouse cursor are displayed.